Tuesday, May 28, 2013

When It's Still Summer

Before summer ends, we took a trip to a nearby resort in Bulacan which was named 8 Waves Waterpark. So before going there, I had a hard time deciding what to wear, so I just thought that, well it's still summer, so I decided something suited for the occasion.

What I'm wearing: Tri-Tone tank top (Folded & Hung), Slim Fit Jeans (Oxygen), Backpack (Oxygen).

The comfort of this Tri-Tone colored tank-top from Folded & Hung is that it really suites the weather, summer right? So why put on something that would cover you up but isn't comfortable but instead put on something light, comfortable, and fashionable. 

You never leave the house without a backpack whenever you're out for an outing or something. Make sure that your backpack is sturdy enough to hold the things you want to bring. This leather backpack from Oxygen really satisfies my needs. Besides for its design, it's also sturdy enough to carry my loads. 

Photos by: (Ryan Martinez)